What About the Children?

Alaina Giordano is a mom who just happens to have breast cancer. She has always been a mom first and now as she is facing the final days of her life, one can only imagine what she is going through.

Due to the vindictiveness of her ex-husband and the injustice of the court system, Alaina's family and friends are begging her ex to allow her children to spend her final days with her.

It sickens me that it has come down to this.

Kane Synder won the war. He got custody of their children in spite of the public support that Alaina has received. Justice failed Sofia and Bud. So has their "father".

Being children of divorce is tough enough for any child to cope with. These children are not just victims of divorce but victims of cancer. Losing a parent because of custody rulings is hard but knowing that your mom will not be there anymore is tougher.

Alaina prepared her children for the inevitable by involving them in programs for children whose parent has cancer. Although Alaina fought (fights) her cancer, she knew that her cancer affected her children.

Alaina's energy amazed me. She was always on the go and had her children involved in many activites; had them enrolled in the best schools for THEIR interests and did everything a parent is supposed to do to encourage their child.

All this and she was fighting the battle for her life.

As her story went public, she managed to balance it all. Treatment for her cancer, the legal battle to regain custody, travelling to do interviews to get their story out and through it all, she had one focus- the best interests of her children.

Alaina didn't give up. I am not surprised at all.

I spent many hours talking to Alaina. We talked about her life, her history with the man who ultimately caused her and her children so much pain. Although she was victimized, she is a fighter. All because of Sofia and Bud.

Alaina unknowingly is an inspiration to so many. She is a woman who despite the odds continues to fight.

I remember a conversation I had with her before her story went national. I told her that her life was about to change and I asked her if she was ready for it. She had no idea how it would change and honestly didn't believe that her story would become so huge.

Her story was big - in the beginning. Funny how the media works. For a while there was a lot of interest from mainstream media. The debate about parents with cancer and child custody issues brought out a lot of discussion. Then the media abandoned her.

Alaina did move to Chicago in order to spend time with her children. She still had to fight to see them although she had been promised more access to them.

She still did not give up. As her health worsened, it was still about being a mom. For Alaina, it is still about Sofia and Bud.

As Alaina copes with leaving this world, I can only imagine how she is feeling. I know she wants to know that her children will be okay. It has to be so hard to let go. My heart is so heavy knowing that although Alaina will be going to a place free of pain, her children will have a lot to cope with. I just hope that people who love them will be allowed to help them through this.

I'm sorry but I don't believe that their "father's" intentions towards them are in their best interest. If they were he would never have ripped them away from the constant loving presence in their life.

Alaina Giordano never saw herself as a hero, she was just doing what she needed to do. She is what a mom should be. I admire her and I am blessed to have known her.

There are many lessons to be learned from this woman's life. She is the face of courage, strength and unconditional love.

She may not have won the war but she fought bravely and with a determination that is inspiring.

Donations are still being accepted to help pay for plane tickets and other costs in the hopes that the children will be able to spend Alaina's final time together.

You can donate through paypal - alaina.giordano@gmail.com

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