Do the Right Thing

Alaina Giordano is fighting back against a judge who ruled that because she has breast cancer she is going to have to send her children away from their home in Durham, North Carolina to live with their father in Chicago, Illinois.

The circumstances in this case reach beyond your typical divorce/custody battle. Because Alaina has breast cancer, where she lives is of upmost importance to the quality of her health. Right now, she is receiving treatment at the Duke Cancer Institute in Durham where she and the children live.

It is unreasonable for her to have to relocate for many reasons. She has support of friends in Durham which every cancer patient knows is essential for their wellness. She has her children which motivates her to fight this battle with cancer.

It was cruel of the judge to assume that it would be easy for Alaina to relocate to a state where she has no family, friends or a network of trusted medical professionals that have kept her doing so well.

It was her husband who chose to abandon his family in order to try out a job in a different state; not once but twice in the last few years. Knowing his wife, the mother of his two children, was in the battle of her life he disregarded her health and the best interests of his children when he filed for divorce and custody of the children.

In order for Alaina to appeal this judge's decision, she needs funds to pay for an attorney. As I stated in a recent article How You Can Help Alaina Giordano Keep Her Kids , this case will set a precedent for future custody cases throughout the country.

Last month, Judge Nancy Gordon used Alaina Giordano's breast cancer as a reason for her to lose custody of her kids. Not getting this ruling overturned will allow future judges and vindictive spouses to use any illness or possibility of illness as a weapon to take children from their home.

This is why you should care and this is why you should help Alaina Giordano keep her children. It is the right thing to do.

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