The Power of Social Media

Never underestimate the power of social media.

Alaina Giordano knows the power. see her Facebook causes page here

When Alaina got blindsided in court by a judge who discriminated against her in a custody case because Alaina has stage 4 breast cancer, Alaina's friend took to Facebook to help gather support for his friend.

Many jumped on the bandwagon, this writer included, because the cause touched us. Taking children away from their mother just because she has breast cancer is wrong.

Alaina's story reached all over the globe. It doesn't surprise me. The injustice of this case deserves the attention.

I am sure that her ex-husband never expected her to take this case to social media. Even with all the attention she has gathered, he is not backing down. Just further proof of his character and lack of compassion.

The Judge in this case is probably cursing it as well. There is no better way to spread the word and gather support than using social networking.

We all need to use our voices to help someone when they are being wronged. Using social media and networks to gather that support is our right as citizens in a country that allows us free speech.

Because of social networking, Alaina Giordano is able to fight this injustice. Without it, the case may have disappeared and gone unnoticed.

I applaud the thousands of people who read Alaina's story, heard it on the news or knew of it firsthand and got involved. It makes me feel good to be alive to see people go out of their way to help someone and it gives me hope.

Never underestimate the power of your voice. Alaina's story is proof.

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